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Fauna Sinica Insecta Vol. 49 Diptera Muscidae (I)
Author: Fan Zide et al
Publisher: Science Press, 2008, ISBN:978-7-03-020566-7
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Our Price: $201.30                           View Details      
Phasmatodea of China
Author: Chen Shuchun and He Yunheng
Publisher: China Forestry Press, 2008, ISBN:978-7-5038-5088-2
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $155.10                           View Details      
The Millet Stem Fly
Author: Gan Yaojin Dong Zhiping et al.
Publisher: Science Press, 2007, ISBN:978-7-03-019263-9
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $55.00                           View Details      
Fauna Sinica Invertebrata (Vol.42) Crustacea Cirripedia Thoracica
Author: Liu Ruiyu and Ren Xianqiu
Publisher: Science Press, 2007, ISBN:978-7-03-018811-3
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $128.70                           View Details      
Fauna Sinica Invertebrata (vol.46) Sipuncula Echiura
Author: Zhou Hong Li Fenglu Wang Wei
Publisher: Science Press, 2007, ISBN:978-7-03-018693-5
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Our Price: $74.80                           View Details      
Fauna Sinica Invertebrate(Vol.44)Crustacea Decapoda Palaemonoidea
Author: Li Xinzheng Liu Ruiyu Liang Xiangqiu Chen Guoxiao
Publisher: Science Press, 2007, ISBN:978-7-03-018534-1
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $73.70                           View Details      
Genetic Basis and Artificial Control of Sexual and Reproduction in Fish
Author: Gui Jianfang et al.
Publisher: Science Press, 2007, ISBN:978-7-03-019383-4
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $88.00                           View Details      

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