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Hydraulic Fracturing in Earth-Rock Fill Dam
Author: Wang Junjie
Publisher: Geological Publish House, 2012, ISBN:9787508441498
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $45.00                           View Details      
The Wenchuan Earthquake of 2008:Anatomy of a Disaster
Author: Chen Yong
Publisher: Science Press, 2011, ISBN:9787030307842
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $92.00                           View Details      
The Tectonics of China-Data, Maps and Evolution
Author: Tianfeng Wan
Publisher: Higher Education Press, 2011, ISBN:9787040295344
Avail:In-stock Type:Atlas
Our Price: $175.00                           View Details      
Symposium of XVI Kerulien International Conference of Geology
Author: Hao Dongheng
Publisher: Geological Publish House, 2010, ISBN:9787116060937
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $51.00                           View Details      
Geological Map of Asia and Europe (1: 5000 000)
Author: Li Tingdong
Publisher: Geological Publish House, 2010, ISBN:7116024212
Avail:In-stock Type:Map
Our Price: $499.00                           View Details      
Proceedings Of The Third International Symposium on Future Intelligent Earth Observation Satellites
Author: Wang Chao,Roger King,Yan Dongmei,Zhou Guoqing Lang
Publisher: Science Press, 2009, ISBN:9787030194022
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $110.00                           View Details      
The Geological Museum of China
Author: Cheng Liwei
Publisher: Geological Publishing House, 2008, ISBN:9787800979132
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $64.90                           View Details      
World Geologic Park - Songshan Mountain (Zhong Yue) (Zhongyue Songshan Shijie Dizhi Gongyuan)
Author: Ge Qunli
Publisher: Geological Publishing House, 2007, ISBN:978-7-116-05226-0
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $85.80                           View Details      
New English-Chinese Glossary of Mineral Species
Author: He Mingyue
Publisher: Geological Publishing House, 2007, ISBN:978-7-116-05259-8
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $51.70                           View Details      
The Evolution of Paleogene Basins in East-Central Tibet in Relation to the Early Tectonic Uplift of
Author: Zhou Jiangyu Wang Jianghai
Publisher: Geological Publishing House, 2007, ISBN:978-7-116-05324-3
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $79.20                           View Details      

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