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Atlas of Tectonics and Sequence Lithofacies Palaeogeography in Southern China ( Sinian to Neogene )
Author: Ma Yongsheng
Publisher: Science Press, 2009, ISBN:7-03-021956-5
Avail:In-stock Type:Atlas
Our Price: $280.00                           View Details      
Geological Map of Tian Mountain and adjacent Region of People’s Republic of China (1: 1 000 000)
Author: Wang Hongliang
Publisher: Geological Publishing House, 2006, ISBN:
Avail:In-stock Type:Map
Our Price: $120.00                           View Details      
Atlas of Noble Rare and Rare-earth Metal Resources of China
Author: Liu Menggeng
Publisher: Geological Publishing House, 2006, ISBN:7-116-04847-2
Avail:In-stock Type:Atlas
Our Price: $290.00                           View Details      
Metallogenic Map of Endogenic Ore Deposits of China(In Scale 1:4,000,000)
Author: Guo Wenkui
Publisher: Geological Publishing House, 1987, ISBN:7-5031.0000-1
Avail:In-stock Type:Map
Our Price: $55.00                           View Details      

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