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Advances in Structural Engineering (2 volume set)
Author: Lin-Hai Han, Ji-Ping Ru and Zhong Tao
Publisher: China Science and Technology Press, 2009, ISBN:9787508485546
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Our Price: $239.00                           View Details      
Vibratory Synchronization and Controlled Synchronization in Engineering
Author: Wen Bangchun,Fan Jian,Zhao Chunyu,Xiong Wanli
Publisher: Science Press, 2009, ISBN:9787030257772
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Our Price: $70.00                           View Details      
Advances in Geotechnical and Structural Engineering
Author: Wang Lai ,Qiao Weiguo,Wang Chongge ,Zhang Xiantang
Publisher: China Press, 2008, ISBN:9787564600600
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Our Price: $110.00                           View Details      
Advances in Concrete Structural Durability
Author: Jin Weiliang
Publisher: Zhejiang University Press, 2008, ISBN:9787308063913
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Our Price: $169.00                           View Details      
New Development on Engineering Blasting(ASP Blasting 1)
Author: Wang Xuguang
Publisher: Metallurgical Industry Press, 2007, ISBN:9787502442781
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Our Price: $152.00                           View Details      
New Development on Engineering Blasting-the Asian-Pacific Symposium on Blasting Techniques (APS Blas
Author: Wang Xuguang
Publisher: Metallurgical Industry Press, 2007, ISBN:9787502449827
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Our Price: $152.00                           View Details      
Patterns Embedded
Author: Lan Qing
Publisher: Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press, 2007, ISBN:9787560968834
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Our Price: $89.00                           View Details      
Petroleum Pipeline Design and Construction
Author: Kang Yong
Publisher: China University of Petroleum Press, 2007, ISBN:9787563629503
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Our Price: $68.00                           View Details      
Initiation Theory and Technology
Author: Yan Nan,He Yuanhang
Publisher: Beijing University of Science and Technology Press, 2007, ISBN:9787564012571
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $46.00                           View Details      
Simulation of Vehicle Speed and Fuel Consumption
Author: Yuli Pan
Publisher: People's Transportation Press, 2006, ISBN:9787114058912
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Our Price: $65.00                           View Details      

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