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Nonlinear Complex Analysis and Its Applications – Mathematics Monograph Series 12
Author: Guochun Wen, Dechang Chen and Zuoliang Xu
Publisher: Science Press, 2008, ISBN:978-7-03-021296-2
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Our Price: $63.80                           View Details      
Some Topics on Value Distribution and Differentiability in Complex and P-adic Analysis – Mathematics Monograph Series 11
Author: A.Escassut, W.Tutschke and C.C.Yang
Publisher: Science Press, 2008, ISBN:978-7-03-020406-6
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Our Price: $63.80                           View Details      
Superconvergence Analysis and a Posteriori Error Estimation in Finite Element Methods – Series in Information and Computational Science 40
Author: Ningning Yan
Publisher: Science Press, 2008, ISBN:978-7-03-021299-3
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Our Price: $101.20                           View Details      
Computational Conformal Geometry
Author: Xianfeng David Gu
Publisher: Higher Education Press, 2008, ISBN:7-04-023189-2
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Our Price: $37.40                           View Details      
Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (3 Volume Set)
Author: Ji Lizhen and Liu Kefeng
Publisher: Higher Education Press, 2008, ISBN:7-04-023267-7
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Our Price: $209.00                           View Details      
Singular Point Values, Center Problem and Bifurcations of Limit Cycles of Two Dimensional Differential Autonomous Systems
Author: Liu Yirong and Li Jibin
Publisher: Science Press, 2008, ISBN:978-7-03-020043-3
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Our Price: $45.10                           View Details      
The Information Hypergraph Theory
Author: Jianfang Wang
Publisher: Science Press, 2008, ISBN:7-03-020651-0
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Our Price: $40.70                           View Details      
Theory of Polyhedra
Author: Yanpei Liu
Publisher: Science Press, 2008, ISBN:978-7-03-020888-0
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Our Price: $50.60                           View Details      
Variational Principles for Discrete Surfaces
Author: Feng Luo
Publisher: Higher Education Press, 2008, ISBN:7-04-023194-6
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $25.30                           View Details      
Three-dimensional Vibration Analysis of Structural Elements
Author: Ding Zhou
Publisher: Science Press, 2007, ISBN:978-7-03-018878-6
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $49.50                           View Details      

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