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Applications of Static Beam Functions in Vibration Analysis of Structures
Author: Zhou Ding
Publisher: Higher Education Press, 2013, ISBN:9787030377876
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Our Price: $68.00                           View Details      
Applications of Static Beam Functions in Vibration Analysis of Structures
Author: Zhou Ding
Publisher: Science Press, 2013, ISBN:9787030377876
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $68.00                           View Details      
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves:Second Edition
Author: Yang Rugui
Publisher: Higher Education Press, 2013, ISBN:9787040362084
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Our Price: $78.00                           View Details      
Porous Models for Wave-Seabed Interactions
Author: Zheng
Publisher: , 2013, ISBN:9787313090065
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Our Price: $58.00                           View Details      
Porous Models for Wave-Seabed Interactions
Author: Zheng
Publisher: Shanghai Jiaotong University Press, 2013, ISBN:9787313090065
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Our Price: $58.00                           View Details      
Advanced Mechanics of Piezoelectricity
Author: Qin Qinghua
Publisher: Higher Education Press, 2012, ISBN:9787040344974
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Our Price: $65.00                           View Details      
Computational Fluid Dynamics Based on the Unified Coordinates
Author: Wai-How Hui & Kun Xu
Publisher: Science Press, 2012, ISBN:9787030323194
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Our Price: $38.00                           View Details      
Cryptographic Proto-col:Security Analysics Based on Trusted Freshness
Author: Dong Ling,Chen Kefei
Publisher: Science Press, 2011, ISBN:9787040313314
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Our Price: $73.00                           View Details      
Engineering Fluid Mechanics
Author: Guo Chuwen
Publisher: China University of Mining Press, 2011, ISBN:9787564609054
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Our Price: $64.00 (Save -18.%)                           View Details      
Self-Excited Vibration: Theory, Paradigms and Research Methods
Author: Wenjing Ding
Publisher: Tsinghua University Press, 2010, ISBN:9783540697404
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $79.00                           View Details      

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