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The Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine: Chronic Gastritis & IBS
Author: Luo Yun-jian, Huang Sui-ping
Publisher: People's Medical Publishing House, 2008, ISBN:9787117106375
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Our Price: $52.00                           View Details      
The Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine: Diabetes & Obesity
Author: Feng Wei-bin, Fan Guan-jie
Publisher: People's Medical Publishing House, 2008, ISBN:9787117106696
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $56.00                           View Details      
The Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine: Endometriosis & Uterine Fibroid
Author: Si-tu Yi, Cai Li-xing
Publisher: People's Medical Publishing House, 2008, ISBN:9787117102087
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Our Price: $57.00                           View Details      
The Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine: Gout & Rheumatoid Arthritis
Author: Deng Zhao-zi
Publisher: People's Medical Publishing House, 2008, ISBN:9787117094856
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $51.00                           View Details      
The Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine: Herpes Zoster & Fungal Skin Infections
Author: Xuan Guo-wei, Fan Rui-qia
Publisher: People's Medical Publishing House, 2008, ISBN:9787117106702
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $41.00                           View Details      
The Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine: Male & Female Infertility
Author: Chen Zhi-qiang, Li Li-yun
Publisher: People's Medical Publishing House, 2008, ISBN:9787117106702
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $64.00                           View Details      
The Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine: Menstrual Disorders II: Premenestrual Syndrome, Dysmenorr
Author: Si-tu Yi, Wang Xiao-yun
Publisher: People's Medical Publishing House, 2008, ISBN:9787117098922
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Our Price: $60.00                           View Details      
The Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine: Menstrual Disorders II: Premenestrual Syndrome, Dysmenorr
Author: Si-tu Yi, Wang Xiao-yun
Publisher: People's Medical Publishing House, 2008, ISBN:9787117098922
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $60.00                           View Details      
Clinical Applications of Eight Essential Classical Formulas
Author: Zheng Wei-da
Publisher: People's Medical Publishing House, 2008, ISBN:9787117092050
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $79.00                           View Details      
Clinical Reasoning in Chinese Medicine
Author: Hu Zhen & Dong Fei-xia
Publisher: People's Medical Publishing House, 2008, ISBN:9787117102056
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $48.00                           View Details      

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