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Changing Global Security and China's Response
Author: Qu Xing
Publisher: World Affairs Press, 2013, ISBN:9787501244775
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Our Price: $47.00                           View Details      
Author: Zhong Xin
Publisher: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2013, ISBN:9787119071800
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Our Price: $38.00                           View Details      
Author: State Council Information Office
Publisher: China Intercontinental Press, 2007, ISBN:978-7-5085-1052-1
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Our Price: $112.20                           View Details      
Author: State Council Information Office
Publisher: China Intercontinental Press, 2007, ISBN:978-7-5085-1053-8
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $114.40                           View Details      
Author: State Council Information Office
Publisher: China Intercontinental Press, 2007, ISBN:7-5085-0506-9
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $165.00                           View Details      
China in the world Anti-Fascist War
Author: Peng Xunhou
Publisher: China Intercontinental Press, 2007, ISBN:7-5085-0699-5
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Our Price: $45.10                           View Details      
The Silent Spikes – Chinese Laborers and the Construction of North America Railways
Author: Huang Annian
Publisher: China Intercontinental Press, 2007, ISBN:7-5085-0988-9
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Our Price: $85.80                           View Details      
Enjoying Every Day in China: Interviews with Wives of Ambassadors to China
Author: He Qiuju
Publisher: China Intercontinental Press, 2006, ISBN:7-5085-0907-2
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $125.40                           View Details      
A Century of Chinese Exclusion Abroad
Author: Shen Jiyao
Publisher: Foreign Languages Press, 2006, ISBN:7-119-02049-8
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $18.70                           View Details      
The International Competitiveness of China's Agricultural Products
Author: Weng Ming
Publisher: Foreign Languages Press, 2006, ISBN:7-119-03897-4
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $50.60                           View Details      

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