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English-Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary of Biological Products
Author: Xiang Jianzhi
Publisher: Science Press, 2009, ISBN:978-7-03-022900-7
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Our Price: $93.60                           View Details      
New Developments in Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Author: Jianqing Fan
Publisher: Higher Education Press, 2009, ISBN:7-04-024755-8
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $104.40                           View Details      
Flora of China (Illustrations) Vol.11 Oxalidaceae through Aceraceae
Author: Wu Zhengyi
Publisher: Science Press, 2009, ISBN:978-7-03-023211-3
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $154.80                           View Details      
Fauna Sinica Invertebrata Arachnida Acari Phytoseiidae
Author: Wu Weinan
Publisher: Science Press, 2009, ISBN:9787030213259
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $108.00                           View Details      
Macromycetes of China
Author: Mao Xiaolan
Publisher: Science Press, 2009, ISBN:978-7-03-024413-0
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Our Price: $230.80                           View Details      
Moss Flora of China (Vol.7) Amblystegiaceae–Plagiotheciaceae
Author: Hu Renliang and Wang You-fang
Publisher: Science Press, 2008, ISBN:978-7-03-022908-3
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $83.60                           View Details      
Nematology Research in China (Vol. 2)
Author: Liao Jinling Peng Deliang Duan Yuxi
Publisher: China Agricultural Science and Technology Press, 2008, ISBN:978-7-80233-664-3
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Our Price: $53.90                           View Details      
The Management of Diamondback Moth and Other Crucifer Pests: Proceedings of the Fifth International
Author: Anthony M.Shelton Hilda L.Collins Zhang Youjun Wu
Publisher: China Agricultural Science and Technology Press, 2008, ISBN:9787802336803
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $118.80                           View Details      
Fauna Sinica Insecta Vol. 49 Diptera Muscidae (I)
Author: Fan Zide et al
Publisher: Science Press, 2008, ISBN:978-7-03-020566-7
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $201.30                           View Details      
Phasmatodea of China
Author: Chen Shuchun and He Yunheng
Publisher: China Forestry Press, 2008, ISBN:978-7-5038-5088-2
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $155.10                           View Details      

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