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Code for Geophysical Prospecting of Railway Engineering
Author: Ministry of Railways
Publisher: China Railway Press, 2010, ISBN:15113.3211
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $115.00                           View Details      
Code for Hydrogeological Investigation of Railway Engineering
Author: Ministry of Railways
Publisher: China Railway Press, 2010, ISBN:15113.3210
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $140.00                           View Details      
Code for Rock and Soil Classification of Railway Engineering
Author: Ministry of Railways
Publisher: China Railway Press, 2010, ISBN:15113.3236
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $79.00                           View Details      
Code for Special Soil and Rock Investigation of Railway Engineering
Author: Ministry of Railways
Publisher: China Railway Press, 2010, ISBN:15113.3225
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $165.00                           View Details      
Code for Unfavorable Geological Condition Investigation of Railway Engineering
Author: Ministry of Railways
Publisher: China Railway Press, 2010, ISBN:15113.3216
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $200.00                           View Details      
Comprehensive English-Russian-Chinese Dictionary on Powder Metallurgy
Author: Xu Runze
Publisher: Central South University Press, 2009, ISBN:7811058898
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $55.00                           View Details      
Advances in Environmental Geotechnics -Proceedings of the International Symposium on Geo-environment
Author: hen Yunmin
Publisher: Zhejiang University Press, 2009, ISBN:9787308065979
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $169.00                           View Details      
Advances in Structural Engineering (2 volume set)
Author: Lin-Hai Han, Ji-Ping Ru and Zhong Tao
Publisher: China Science and Technology Press, 2009, ISBN:9787508485546
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $239.00                           View Details      
Prevention and Control Technology of Gas Disaster in Coal Mine
Author: Yu Ning
Publisher: Science Press, 2009, ISBN:7-03-024461-1
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $174.80                           View Details      
Modern Machining Technology
Author: Zhou Lanying,Yan Xingfu,Zhang Ying
Publisher: Beijing Institute of Technology Press, 2009, ISBN:9787564016630
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $76.00                           View Details      

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