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Applications of Static Beam Functions in Vibration Analysis of Structures
Author: Zhou Ding
Publisher: Higher Education Press, 2013, ISBN:9787030377876
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $68.00                           View Details      
Applications of Static Beam Functions in Vibration Analysis of Structures
Author: Zhou Ding
Publisher: Science Press, 2013, ISBN:9787030377876
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $68.00                           View Details      
Bifurcation Theory of Limit Cycles - Mathematics Monograph Series 25
Author: Han Maoan
Publisher: Science Press, 2013, ISBN:9787030361400
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $60.00                           View Details      
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves:Second Edition
Author: Yang Rugui
Publisher: Higher Education Press, 2013, ISBN:9787040362084
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $78.00                           View Details      
Geometric Partial Differential Equation Methods in Computational Geometry
Author: Xu Guoliang,Zhang Qin
Publisher: Science Press, 2013, ISBN:9787030367648
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $67.00                           View Details      
Mutually-Inversistic Logic, Mathematics, and Their Applications
Author: Zhou Xunwei
Publisher: Central Compilation & Translation Press, 2013, ISBN:9787313087362
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $75.00                           View Details      
Porous Models for Wave-Seabed Interactions
Author: Zheng
Publisher: , 2013, ISBN:9787313090065
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $58.00                           View Details      
Porous Models for Wave-Seabed Interactions
Author: Zheng
Publisher: Shanghai Jiaotong University Press, 2013, ISBN:9787313090065
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $58.00                           View Details      
Singular Nonlinear Travelling Wave Equations:Bifurcations and Exact Solutions
Author: Li Jibin
Publisher: Science Press, 2013, ISBN:9787030379177
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $68.00                           View Details      
Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Oscillatory Differential Equations
Author: Wu Xinyuan
Publisher: Science Press, 2013, ISBN:9787030355201
Avail:In-stock Type:Book
Our Price: $55.00                           View Details      

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